1968: The Bikeriders
Photographs by Danny Lyon
Danny Lyon は1965年66年 The Chicago Outlaw Motorcycle Club の一員としてバイクライダー達の週末を写真とテープ録音で記録 今までに三版されています
From the 1968 introduction by Danny Lyon: (Danny Lyonによる1968年の序論)
"The material in this book was collected between 1963 and 1967 in an attempt to record and glorify the life of the American bikerider. It is a personal record, dealing mostly with bikeriders whom I know and care for. If anything has guided this work beyond the facts of the worlds presented it is what I have come to believe is the spirit of the bikeriders: the spirit of the hand that twists open the throttle on the crackling engines of big bikes and rides them on racetracks or through traffic or, on occasion, into oblivion."

Macmillan Co., New York &
Collier-Macmillan Limited, London
1968年 出版
Hardcover & Softcover

Hardcover - Out of Print(絶版)
● Danny Lyon Bikeriders の写真が見れます

Chronicle Books 2003年出版 Softcover - In Print
● 本の中が見れます
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